Friday, July 1, 2011

Childlike Positivity

This is just a quick blog I wanted to post. It was mainly to put my thoughts of myself down on "paper" lol and then I can see it in words.
But anyway, I like to think that I have the forgiving heart and mind of a young child. I have been hurt real bad by some people, men and women; family and friends. I have been hurt beyond measure in some aspects even. But at the end of the day. I'd still give the next person another chance.
Now don't get me wrong, I know what to avoid and to see when people are taking advantage of me and I can avoid those people.
It is said that God gives each of us talents and that we should use them. Well i feel that a talent that He gave me was the spirit of caring.
I just do for people because I can and want to. Alot of the time people say "i always help people but when I need help noone is there for me"
I don't think like that. If I do for you and then when I need you and you're not there for me, that's not gonna make me stop helping you. I don't look for reciprocity when it comes to help, I mean it's always nice if you do reciprocate, but if not then oh well.
I know that that is a very hard attitude for people to try and take in life, and that's why I think that that is a talent of mine. Not many people can think like that, and that's not a bad thing AT ALL.
So I just had to get my thoughts down outta my head. This is just a peek into the radomness that is Jasmine lol.
Well until next time,