Hello All,
It has been an shameful amount of time since my last blog post. And for that I apologize. I don't want to make an extremely long post so I'll try and keep it simple and then just do better at updating my blog. *in my country voice lol* Chile, Where to begin, where to begin?......
1) My health
- As some of you may know I have been dealing with more health issues lately. I discovered that I have an extremely rapid heartbeat and palpatations. As of right now we're still trying to figure it out and surgery may be the next step. But through it all I'm still thankful. I mean, God blessed with the common sense to go and get checked out, the insurance coverage to be able to afford to go to the doctor, and a job that understands my needs and lets me take off the days I need to go to the doctor's office. All in all that's a lot of blessings. And I know that whatever the next step in this process is He has it all planned out and I'm just along for the ride. And for those that know me, to just go with the flow is NOT an easy thing for me to do. But this situation has shown me that I can't control everything and that God really is the Master of it all so worry is really a futile emotion.
- I have decided to run a HALF MARATHON!! This means that instead of 26miles (im not that crazy lol) I'll be running 13miles. It's in March in Little Rock and I am SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!! People ask why I wanna do it and the answer is kinda simple: I want to give myself a goal that seems impossible and challenges me to push myself. Plus the effects the training will have on my diabetic health are great too. I feel that God has given me so many chances to do better and get right that it's only right that I praise Him through making myself better. What better way to show thanks for giving me a new chance at life than by treating my body well?
2) My Living
- If you follow me online, you know that my apartment was burglarized on August 28, 2011. I will never forget that feeling. How could this happen to me? I was never supposed to be robbed. My entire sense of peace had been rocked to the core. I was a hot mess for hours. I cried to anyone that would listen, I blamed myself. I even wanted to quit my job and move back home. ( I can be very dramatic at times lol) But once the initial shock wore off I started to realize what I had to be thankful for. 1. I wasn't at home when the burglars came 2) None of my friends were there 3) I had taken my laptop to work that day so they didn't get that.
- When you look at it like that I really lucked out. I realize that He is truly watching over me and taking care of me. Then there was another sad time when my apartment didn't want to let me out of my lease along w/other issues. I thought that I would be stuck here in an unsafe place till next year. But again He saw fit for me to leave this place and behold I will be moving out on next Saturday w/o owing my current place a dime!! Look at God lol.
3) My Job
- A major blessing that I have is that I LOVE MY JOB!!! It's rare that people get to say that and I'm thankful I'm one of the lucky ones. My coworkers are great too. Not only do they share some of the same quirks that I do, but they also are very supportive of my health problems. We crack jokes a lot and have fun too. Also, this job has not asked me twice about taking off for all my doctor's appointments. Any other job would have had me written up or worse for taking off so much and I've only been there 6months.
- Now don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things that make me upset at the job. Like last minute orders that have to be processed on weekends for example, but that's just the life of a salary worker. I know that this job is just the gateway job I needed to get me to where I ultimately want to be. I don't know how God saw for me to be here but I'm just gonna keep quiet and enjoy the ride.
4) ME!!!
- God is truly working on me. In past posts I mentioned how I went through a phase where I thought that God couldn't possibly love me etc. But now I see more and more just how much He really does. He has not let a SINGLE bad/detrimental thing happen to me when I know I deserved it.
- I am becoming more carefree (but still responsible) and able to not worry as much. There are still times when I want to fix everything or take everything on but I'm realizing that I have a big teammate in the Lord and he can block more tackles better than I ever could alone.
- So for anyone that reads this and thinks that they are stuck in one spot just think of where you could be or what could have happened and you'll realize that you are right where you are supposed to be at this time. I'm trying to take that advice myself lol.
Well until next time, and hopefully it won't be this long before another next time lol.....
Be Happy and Joyful and Realize that you are NEVER alone!! :-)
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