Monday, June 27, 2011

Being Alone

Well, I'm trying to stay on top of this thing, but I only feel compelled to blog when I discover something. But anyways, this post is dedicated to Alone.
If anyone knows me they know I LOVE to entertain. I love having people over my house and cooking for everyone and having a good time. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be one of those annoying moms that always wants her kids' friends over or is always having a dinner party with way too much food lol.
On the other hand though, I love my alone time. There are times when I just don't want to be around people and just enjoy my tv and doing nothing. 
Lately, I thought that I was feeling Lonely. There is a difference between being alone and being lonely. You don't choose to be lonely. But anyways, I was starting to feel a little down that I wasn't having anybody over or able to go over to someone's house like I could in Fayetteville. I mean don't get me wrong, I have friends in the area but for some reason that wasn't enough.
After sulking about it for awhile, I started to question myself: Why am I alone right now? What do I want in people that I hang out with? etc. and then I realized: I was actually doing some Self-Reflection. I was looking deep within myself and talking to God about what all I wanted and needed on my life and what I needed to change/keep the same about myself. I then realized that there was no way that I could have had that type of inner meditation/conversation with God if I had had tons of people over and trying to be the worlds largest people person.
I used to hate being alone with my thoughts because I was in a bad place in life and would normally end up crying for hours in hurt rather than realizing positive things about myself.
Now I see that God was making me be alone in order to bring me closer to Him and to begin to see certain things about myself that I like and dislike. Just now when I realize things that I dislike about myself, I am strong enough to accept them and try to change rather than to just get discouraged and cry about them.
So sometimes it's good to be alone because that's one of the best times to reflect and have a genuine conversation with the Man Upstairs.
I'm glad He's brought me to this point in life where He can show me my faults and I can accept them. So the next time that you get down about not having anyone to hangout with on a Saturday or something, think, Could this be God trying to get me to have some down time with myself and Him? Just some food for thought.
Until next time,


  1. Jas,
    Your posts are always inspirational and leave me with an enlightened thought! I can tell from reading your blogs that you are growing up a lot, and your new direction in life is only proving to be a turn in the #right direction! Like Heather Headley says, "I need some ME time"

    As always, keep blogging!
    Love it!

  2. Chiiiiiiiiiiile....YASSS! girl, this is so on point! I love what you said about need ing to be alone in order to be closer to God, which means, really, that we're never truly alone. awesome. Love it!!
